Friday, October 15, 2010

4 Worship Fridays: Surprised By Worship

Travis Cottrell's new book, Surprised by Worship, is out! I got my copy a couple weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised to see it arrive so early (I think the original release date was in mid-October....which would have been about now actually!).

It's not as big a book as I expected, but it is a wonderful read. Travis is an awesome worship leader - I have been following his stuff since I became I believer in 2003 during one of his songs at a Beth Moore conference. 'Just As I Am' was the name of it and Travis and his team were singing through it during an altar call of sorts. That's when I really gave my heart to the Lord.

Anyway, back to the book. Travis writes about how his idea of what worship was supposed to be was shaken up a bit by the Lord through different teachings throughout his life. He also shares quite a bit about his most recent adventure of becoming a worship 'pastor' at a church, something he never thought he'd be called to do.

I would highly recommend Travis' honest, open writings about worship to anyone who struggles with understanding WHAT worship is supposed to be, how we're supposed to FEEL about worship, and HOW we're supposed to worship.

By the way, I haven't receieved any compensation for writing/saying any of this. I've thought Travis to be a wonderful worship leader for many years and ordered the book on my own accord. I didn't receive it to write a review on...I'm just passing on info to you about a good book!  Just don't get me started on his cds.  Oh fine, just buy all of 'em!!  haha  Seriously, the top ones I'd recommend are:  Jesus Saves Live, Found, Living Proof Live 3, and Alive Forever.  All of which can be ordered straight from Travis' store by clicking here

For more information on Travis, visit his website.

May you find something in your surroundings today that reminds you to spend a moment worshipping our God Almighty!


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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tuesday Tunes....on Thursday! Healing Begins

Since I'm out-of-town this week, I'm doing another Tuesday Tunes. And, like I said before, I REALLY could do them every day. So give thanks that I'm containing myself as much as I am. hee hee

When did your healing begin?

Here is a video journal about the song by lead singer Mike.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday Tunes: Beloved

Did you know you are His beloved?

His bride.

And you will be clothed in white because He has washed you clean. 

No matter what you've done.  He loves you.

For more posts in this series click here.

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