I guess I've slacked off a bit in my blogging! Either that, or I wasn't sure what my blog's purpose should be once my worship class ended so I haven't written anything in my perfectionistic procrastination. So here's what I've been up to...
May flew by due to end of the school year activities AND because I was watching six years of LOST. I hadn't watched a single episode until the end of April when I watched the first two and got hooked! I was leisurely watching an episode here and there until I read on Hulu that they were only going to be posting season 6 on the site until May 23rd when the finale aired - then they were only going to post the last 5 episodes of this season. Well, to make a short story long....my penny-pinching kicked in and I decided I didn't want to have to PAY to watch this thing so I better ramp things up a bit. I started watching LOST while I was ironing, exercising, working on the computer, you name it. Watching episode after episode actually made it an interesting experience for me - it was like a good book I couldn't put down.
I did get through all the episodes before the finale aired on May 23rd - and then I watched that one live. One thing to say, I don't watch much TV, much less 'live' and so I was reminded of how annoying commercials are! Hulu isn't kidding when they say 'limited commercial interruptions'. haha
I've had people ask what I thought of the finale. Idealistically, it would have been nice to have some of the questions answered, to have the loose ends all neatly tied in a bow. But, realistically....this is a TV show. And not a 'reality' TV show. One that people came up with out of creativity and imagination. So yes, I was slightly bummed about all the loose ends hanging around but I was also just glad to be done watching LOST and ready to get on with my life again. I'm thankful I didn't have to spread it out over 6 years and have to wait weeks in between the cliff-hanger endings they custimarily used. Like I said, I don't watch much TV and I'll also say I don't read much fiction (it's been 7 years since I read a fiction book of any type). I guess this show must have filled some void for TV and fiction - and now I'm set again for another 7+ years. :) Overall, it was a well-executed show with great acting and storyline(s). But I'm not going to waste any more time analyzing it...especially since it's been analyzed to death online enough already!! haha
We are in the thick of summer-ness now. The 2 1/2 weeks the kids have been out of school have flown by! We've been to Norwegian Camp at Augustana College, spent scorching days out by the pool in the backyard, slept over at Grandma and Grandpa's house, had friends over and been over to friends, gone for bike rides, and even had a picnic at the park. We've also struggled to practice piano, dawdled at bedtime, argued with our sibling, and complained about doing chores. Overall, a regular summer with lots of precious (and not so precious) moments! But I do know enough to cherish the precious moments because all too soon the kids will be too busy during the summer to be around and I'll find myself missing them and even the 'not so precious' moments.