Friday, September 3, 2010

4 Worship Fridays: Lifelight!!

For MY '4 Worship Friday', I'll be heading out to the Lifelight Festival later today.  And some tomorrow.  And Sunday.  My husband helps out backstage so we have some pretty interesting experiences.  I'll have to share more next week.  :)

Actually, now that I go back and read that first paragraph I realize it's going to be a '4 Worship Weekend'!!  Hmmm....that gives me an idea.  Mmmwwwhhhaaaa

If you haven't heard of Lifelight before, here is some info for you.  BTW, it's the LARGEST FREE Christian Music Festival in the country.  Right here in South Deeekota.

Here's some pics from past Festivals:

My super chic with the Superchicks

Lincoln Brewster & Mike of Tenth Avenue North

Hubby w/Michael W (aka Smitty)

The crowd (it's bigger at night)

And because of Lifelight, we got to do THIS when Casting Crowns came through town...
Big Boy PRETENDING to play the CC drumset

Mike & baby of Tenth Avenue North

Mark Hall of Casting Crowns with the fam

For more posts in this series click here.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday Tunes: Happy Day

I think this will be my most enjoyable kind of post yet.
I like pictures, I like words.
But most of all,
I like music!!


I have enjoyed listening to this song lately - I have been trying to find new 'upbeat' songs to add to our worship repetoire at church. We're lacking in those and have been recycling songs for too long now. This one by Tim Hughes makes me want to dance.

For more posts in this series click here.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Gratitude List Cont'd

I'm still continuing my Gratitude List over at my group blog, Grace-Full Living.  Mondays are the days I usually post 10 items or so to add to the ongoing list.  Follow the links to catch up if you'd like!

This list is part of the Gratitude Community at Ann's blog A Holy Experience and also part of my reading Choosing Gratitude by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.


holy experience