FINALLY...I am getting on here to write a post! In my lackadaisical writing, I have at least noticed a pattern - I think of something to write about, talk it out in my head, and then never take the time to sit down and write it out. If I'd posted all the things I'd thought of in the last two weeks, I would definitely have more than '2' posts for June at this point. Needless to say, I have developed quite a respect for those who blog regularly. :) I wonder if they make Metamucil for blogging? Then maybe I'd be more regular.... haha
I have been trying to get more organized lately. Yes, me getting more organized. Those who know me well might say I am a 'BO', or Born-Organized as the Flylady calls it, and that I don't need to get "more" organized. Well, let's just say being married to a not-naturally-organized man for 15 years has had an effect on me. He's rubbed off on me a bit and I'm not nearly as organized as I used to be. AND, in all honesty, I am only 'mostly organized'...there are things I'm great at organizing and then there are things I have trouble getting/staying organized with. For example I've always struggled with paper things...where to put this, where to put that, and golly, if it's really important I better leave it in this pile here so I don't forget about it. If I put it away in a folder it could become a victim of "Out of sight, out of mind" and not get paid on time, dealt with on time, filed in the right place. I've also become more of a 'I'll put it here for now and deal with it later' kind of person....and that's thanks to Rick-o. Happy Anniversary honey!! haha
Anyway, I've been reading "Secrets to Getting More Done in Less Time" by Donna Otto and found the most interesting concept in there. She had me write down my priorities...things only I, Amy, could do. Here they are:
- I alone am responsible for my relationship with God.
- I alone am responsible for who I am. I have to provide myself with the intellectual and spiritula stimulation to become all that I can be.
- I alone can be Rick's wife. Other people will be his friends, his colleagues, his teachers but I am the only one who can love and care for him as his wife.
- I alone can be A, B, and S's mother. Other people will influence their lives, but only I can give them a mother's love and care and thereby fulfill my responsiblity to them.
- I alone can manage my household. I might have a housekeeper or a husband who helps around the house. Nevertheless, I am ultimately responsible for managing my household.
- I alone can be Joan's daughter, Kris' sister, and other relationships to family members.
- I alone can take care of the books for the clinic. No one else can do my job for me - it is my responsibility to see that the clinic isn't losing money because of late bills, employees, etc.
I found this very refocus on what only I can do. It is so easy to get distracted with or pulled away by the many other things that need doing - do you struggle with this as well? But there are things OTHER people can do; things that I don't absolutely need to do. In the past, when I found myself having to decide on adding something new to my 'plate' of responsibilities, I would remember my saying 'yes' to the something else was saying 'no' to another thing (and that usually ended up being our family or my responsibilities at home - is it that way for you too?). So now I can think of saying 'no' to new opportunities that may come my way as me in actuality saying 'yes' to my list of priorities.
I challenge you to make a list of priorities...things only YOU can do. And then, to remember that list the next time you're tempted to seek out recognition through your accomplishments, seek fulfillment through a social life, or seek to prove you're 'Super-Woman' by adding one more responsibility to your already overloaded plate.
To Be Continued... (hopefully sooner than later)