Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tow Mater car

Ok, so I've been told to get these pictures online somehow.  The only way I know how to do that is through my blog.  What does Tow Mater have to do with Worshiping While I Wait you may ask?  Well...I guess I can only refer to 1 Corinthians 10:31b "do it all for the glory of God."

This is the Grand Prix pinewood derby car my husband and son made for this year's Grand Prix race at AWANA.  Since our almost 3 yr old boy is Mater-crazy right now, Tow Mater seemed like a good choice for a car to try to win a trophy for design (that was, until they had to try to keep the 3 yr old out of the garage while they were working on it).

If you're looking for details on how to make this, I'm not going to be much help as I was involved this much - zilch, zippo, nadda, NOT.  All I know is they started with measuring a die-cast version of Mater to get the dimensions correct.  Some balsa wood is involved.  Wood was removed from the bottom of the original car block to help with balancing out the weight of the added balsa wood.  They used misc parts from old car models for the rear-view mirrors and air filter.  Some kind of sponge was used to paint on the 'rust' or brown paint.  Paint pens were used to write "Tow Mater" on the side and also for the windows and the tailgate.  And lastly, as you can see, the hitch was built from Legos (since my son the builder has oodles of Legos).  Most importantly though, my son was rewarded with not only the 1st place trophy for design, but also with the cries of "Mater" by the other kids at the Grand Prix whenever he raced down the track!

Tow Mater front

Tow Mater side

Tow Mater back

On the table at the race

With his trophy - a happy boy!

Tow Mater, Disney-Pixar Cars, Disney-Pixar Cars 2, Mater, Pinewood Derby, AWANA Grand Prix

It's Been How Long?

Yes, for those inquiring minds who'd like to know...I AM still alive!  :)  Baby Laura is 6 mos old this week and I realized I've been off my blog for WAY too long!  It has been interesting thinking of a year ago as the dates pass by...when we announced to everyone in September that we were expecting.  The fun we had a Lake Brandt in Aug & Sept of 2010.  How sick I was when we went to California in Oct 2010.  How sick I was at the AWANA Grand Prix race last year.  How sick I was all the way until the end of May!!  haha

Here is a picture of my little sweetie.  She really is a happy, easy baby.  Which has been such a blessing around here with the rest of the chaos there is to deal with! ha

I would really like to get on here more, but with the holidays approaching I know better than to make any promises I won't be able to keep.  And especially since it's our first go at it with 4.  Hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas!
