Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Day of Rest

The weekend is here!  I'm not going to be making a habit of posting on Saturdays, but today is different.  My DH is gone and it's a certain time of the month, so I'm not going to work as hard as I normally would on a Saturday.  And I'm not even going to feel the least bit guilty about it (okay, maybe an eentsie weentsie bit) because today is H - O - T and I'm low on iron/energy AND I have worship team tomorrow morning where I'll get to wake up EARLY and drag 3 kids to church by myself because the sleepover at Grandma's has been cancelled due to Grandma being sick. 

So today is a day of rest.  Well, kind of.

I am catching up on some computer work that has patiently been waiting for me to attend to. 

I am constantly giving thanks that our air-conditioning is working, and working well I might add.  It's a hot 94 here with plenty of humidity for SD.

I have already gotten a wonderful nap while my little guy was taking his snooze. 

I am looking forward to the fun the 'big kids' and I have planned for the evening.  And, I'm planning on having everything in order for an early night to bed in preparation for our busy morning tomorrow. 

Exodus 31:15 NIV

For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD.

God has commanded us to take a day of rest.  A day to remember all that He has done for us.  A day to rest from the work we've just completed during the past week.  A day to rejuvenate our bodies in preparation for what is to come in the week ahead. 

It's hard to sit still when you've been TOLD to, isn't it?  I have a child who, even at 8, has trouble sitting still most of the time.  She'll probably use that energy to get alot accomplished as she grows up.  She's like her dad in that way.  Then of course there's the 20 month-old in our house.  Every kid that age has trouble sitting still!  haha
But God has commanded we take time to rest.  He even provided an example for us very early in His Holy "How To" Manual...

Genesis 2:2-3 NIV
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.  And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

So even though we're used to going, going, going....trying to be multitasking maniacs who try to tackle the world with our to-do lists, we're supposed to stop.  Take a breath.   A long breath.

And rest.

Spending time reflecting on our holy God and what He has done for us in the past week.  Spending time talking to our Abba Father who cares for us and loves us completely and crazily. 

What do you do on your day of rest?  How do you spend some extra time with God? 

I've read stories of people who spend most of the day in prayer and study. 

I know many people who gather together in time of worship and encourage each other in their struggles, trials, and temptations of daily walking with Him.

I know of men who commit to getting the lawn mowed on one of the other 6 days of the week. 

I know of women who commit to not shopping AT ALL on the Lord's day - no matter how good of a sale it is.

I know of businesses who close their doors because the thought of bringing in an income on the Sabbath revolts them.

What do you do on your day of rest?

How do you spend some extra time with your God?

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