Monday, August 2, 2010

Having Fun and Ruminatin'

I have been having fun playing around with design on here - creating buttons, grabbing buttons, making headers, etc. etc.  But I realized I haven't gotten anything with any 'meat' on here for you to chew on in awhile. 

That reminds me of this horrible steak I once had.  I only had a fairly 'small' piece of it.  But once I got it in my mouth it felt GINORMOUS and boy, was it tough.  And by tough, I mean like chewing on a piece of leather kind of tough! 

I chewed and chewed and chewed and CHEWED on that piece of meat until I felt like my jaw was going to lock shut!  Do you know what ruminate means?  It's what cows do when they're chewing their cuds. 

It's what I was doing to that piece of tough meat. 

It's also what we're supposed to do with God's word. 

We're supposed to ruminate on God's words and turn them over and over in our heads.  You know, like how you do when you're obsessed with a problem you have with someone, replaying conversations with them over and over in your head.  Or when you can't stop thinking about a trial someone is facing.  Or maybe when YOU'RE in the trial and it's all you can see, covering over you like a heavy wool blanket, making it hard to breath. 

Meditating on God's word is not an emptying of the mind like Eastern Meditation is, but is instead a filling of the mind with the things God wants us to remember when the going gets tough.  Focusing on things like His character, His promises, and His works helps us take the focus off ourselves and our own temporary struggles.

So why not grab a piece of 'meat' in God's Word and chew on it today!

What do you find troublesome about meditating on God's Word? 
What takes up most of your thoughts during the day and how can you take steps to meditate more on God?

1 comment:

  1. I find that often in the busyness of my day I foget to remember God! I have every good intention but we all know what paves the road to hell ... so I have simple things that habitually remind me throughout the day to remember God- one is a devotional via my work email account that I read daily, a devotional calendar, people at work who are in my Bible study and a few others. I realize that this isn't enough, but it's a start!
