Friday, September 24, 2010

4 Worship Friday: Compassion Trip to Guatamala

I recently followed the Compassion Bloggers trip to Guatamala.  If you completely missed out on reading about this, check out the blogs below.  The people who went are still writing about it...still impacted by the images they saw, the people they met, the hearts they connected with. 

Definitely worth the time, if you have the time this weekend.

Shaun Groves "My Trip to Guatamala"
Lindsey Nobles "Compassion Guatamala"
Ann Voskamp (just start reading her current post)
Amanda Jones - Beth Moore's daughter (this is her first post on her trip)

May you find something in your surroundings today that reminds you to spend a moment worshipping our God Almighty!


For more posts in this series click here.

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