Friday, October 8, 2010

4 Worship Fridays: What Moves You?

For this 4 Worship Friday, I'd like to know what moves you.  By that, I mean what makes you feel closest to God? 



Your kids when they're all sweet and adorable?

A beautiful piece of art, whether it's a photograph, painting, sculpture, etc?

A clean house?

Helping others?

You get the share YOUR idea.

May you find something in your surroundings today that reminds you to spend a moment worshipping our God Almighty!


For more posts in this series click here.


  1. For me, music is first and foremost, but a major part of that is when I hear God's people sing. It excites me so much to hear the loud voices of our congregation every Sunday morning and I love the unity that comes from singing together!

    Seeing how God has worked through our daughter's health situation has moved me to see and understand the compassion of God as well. Great question!

  2. I agree that music is probably first, when I surrender and praise God I feel very close to Him. After that- random acts of kindness that I witness, when a challenging situation works itself out, when someone remains faithful in difficult times and when people cry... those are all times that I feel close to God. I also feel close to God when I am spending time in the Word, by myself, when it's quiet and I can focus (this doesn't happen as often as I'd like!). Also fall is my favorite season and I feel close to God watching the leaves change color, die and fall from the trees.

    I wish I could say, MY KIDS... but that isn't always true for me. My children challenge me in a way that I call on God for help!! However, when my kids sing worship songs, share an insight they have had about God, help others, laugh/smile, I feel God's presence in those moments.

    I love this qustion!
