Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Five Books I'd Recommend as Gifts This Holiday Season

Need a quick and not so expensive idea for someone this year?  Give the gift of knowledge!  I may be just a regular ol' run-of-the-mill mom, but I like to read books that'll teach me something (and watch movies that entertain me, but that's another post).  So very briefly, here are my top 5 recommended books (in no particular order) for this year's gift giving dilemma you may find yourself in:

#1 - For the overwhelmed mom in your life.  Maybe your mom.  Or a friend's mom.  Actually, pretty much ANY mom I know these days is overwhelmed and would appreciate this book!  Because we moms just need to knock it off already with all the judging and trying to live up to some ideal that is, in reality, impossible to reach.  We've been "Hoodwinked" into believing we need to be perfect and that's just not true.  This book is only 224 pages long (which is great for busy moms who don't have a bunch of time to read lengthy books) and it also has some great bonus material at the end.  Who doesn't want some bonus material?

#2 - For the leader who's always wanting to learn more. Or, who you think needs to learn more.  I haven't had a chance to read either of these yet, but they're on my Wish List.  John Maxwell is a powerhouse when it comes to writing on leadership and personal growth.  I've read so many of his other books that I know without even reading this one yet that it will also be a great resource for anyone looking to better themselves as a leader, or just as a person for pete's sake.  Brad Lomenick also has a history of providing great insight on how to be an awesome leader and I need to start reading more of his stuff.  Like now.  

#3 - For the person who's always complaining about their job.  Jon Acuff wrote a book about what he's learned over the past 16 years of working.  After working at big and small companies. After being hired and fired and finally finding his dream job but then deciding to walk away.  Even if you like your job, this guy is funny and wise and worth reading.  Here's what the Associated Press says about the book: 
“If you’re sick of constantly fighting the Monday blues, this book is for you . . . [Acuff’s] career advice is solid . . . By the end, most will have a new outlook on their role in the workplace. They will be ready to take on the day with nothing but an adjusted attitude and a ton of grit.”
Associated Press"

#4 - For the dreamer, the achiever; the person who is always striving and learning and growing.  This book is also on my Wish List.  It's already on the NY Times Bestseller List.  It's called the School of Greatness.  And, it's written by Lewis Howes, who apparently is pretty awesome.  At least that's what I've heard.

#5 - For the gal who wants to chase after Jesus.  Because it's by Beth Moore.  And I really shouldn't have to say any 'Moore' about it!  haha  But, this was my favorite review from Amazon on it:

Format: Hardcover Verified Purchase
I cannot recommend this book strongly enough. Ask any of my girlfriends over the last two weeks - I've hounded them all. But I've stopped trying to describe the book to them...I want each woman to read it and experience it as they are meant to experience it, without any spoilers or preconceived notions or expectations. I'll simply say this: if you want to see Jesus, read on.


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